Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ways to help out

When I first got this advocacy assignment, I thought it would be very difficult, but as I have been finding this week, it's not bad at all!! Really anyone can do it! I'm finding more and more petitions such as, and While reading through these petitions I've learned that over 16,000 homeless pets are put down in shelters every day...if that's not enough to make you simply sign these petitions, then I don't think your reading the right blog. Along with signing petitions, it's important to educate other people on what you've learned. I've already made my mom watch a short video with me, made flyers for my neighbors, and e-mailed a petition to five of my friends for them to sign. Because these feral cats can reside in urban, suburban, AND rural areas, it's important for people everywhere to start learning more about this issue.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see this is going well for you (and that it isn't quite so scary)! I'm excited to see how the flyers turned out. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns/ideas to run past someone.

    - Mrs. B
